Analysis on Translation Methods and Techniques of Noun Phrases in Translating Beauty Product Description in The Bioderma Website

1908411022, Mirrah Nabila (2023) Analysis on Translation Methods and Techniques of Noun Phrases in Translating Beauty Product Description in The Bioderma Website. D4 thesis, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta.

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This study is qualitative descriptive research aimed to identify types of noun phrase in beauty product descriptions on Bioderma website, analyze translation methods and translation techniques of the noun phrases. In this study, the analysis of cultural terms refers to Widjono (2007) theory. The V Newmark (1988) diagram is used to analyze translation methods, while the analysis of translation techniques refers to the theory proposed by Molina and Albir (2002), which includes 18 translation techniques. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) used to collect data which then are being analysed by Spradley’s (1980) theory with certified raters. The primary data sources in this study were obtained from English and Indonesian version of beauty product descriptions on Bioderma website. Meanwhile, secondary data were obtained from raters that asses methods and techniques of the noun phrases and also from previous research findings. In this study, a total of 144 data are obtained and classified into three types of noun phrase, namely modifying, coordinating, and appositive. Among these three types, the modifying noun phrase were found to be the most dominant. Out of the 8 translation methods, 3 translation methods are applied to the data, with the most dominant being the literal translation method. Out of the 18 translation techniques, 7 translation techniques are employed. The establish equivalent technique is the most dominant. The research findings indicate that the translation of noun phrases in beauty product descriptions on the Bioderma website employs source language emphasis.

Keywords: noun phrase, translation methods, translation techniques, beauty description, website.

Tipe Dokumen: Thesis / Skripsi / Tugas Akhir (D4)
Subjek: 400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 410 Linguistik > 410 Linguistik
400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno > 425 Tata bahasa bahasa Inggris
400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno > 428 Penggunaan bahasa Inggris baku (linguistik preskriptif)
Bidang, Unit, atau Jurusan Yang Ditujukan: BISPRO > Bahasa Inggris untuk Komunikasi Bisnis dan Profesional
User ID Pengunggah: Mirrah Nabila
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2023 04:32
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2023 04:32

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