Analysis of Javanese Sociolect Signifiers Translation Quality in Kartini (2017) Movie

1908411026, Lintang Dyah Ramandhani (2023) Analysis of Javanese Sociolect Signifiers Translation Quality in Kartini (2017) Movie. D4 thesis, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta.

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This research explores the usage of Javanese sociolects signifier and their translation quality in the Kartini (2017) movie. This study examines the types of sociolects, translation techniques, and the accuracy and acceptability of Javanese sociolect signifier dialogues. A qualitative method with a descriptive approach is adopted, utilizing content analysis and focus group discussion as data collection techniques. The findings reveal six types of sociolects: basilect, acrolect, jargon, colloquial, slang, and vulgar. The study identifies translation challenges from
structural differences, limited vocabulary, and cultural disparities. The literal translation is frequently employed for translating from Javanese to English, while the predominant technique for translating Indonesian to English is an established equivalent. The evaluation of translation quality indicates that translating Javanese sociolect dialogues from Javanese to Indonesian is generally deemed accurate and acceptable, with a score of 2.69. However, translations from
Indonesian to English are found to be less accurate and less acceptable, with a score of 2.43. This research contributes to filling the gap in understanding Javanese sociolect and its
translation quality by highlighting the challenges involved in accurately and acceptably translating Javanese sociolect signifiers. The findings underscore the importance of maintaining the integrity of the original language while effectively conveying cultural nuances through translation.
Keywords : Javanese sociolect; Kartini (2017); translation quality; translation technique.

Tipe Dokumen: Thesis / Skripsi / Tugas Akhir (D4)
Subjek: 400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 410 Linguistik > 410 Linguistik
Bidang, Unit, atau Jurusan Yang Ditujukan: BISPRO > Bahasa Inggris untuk Komunikasi Bisnis dan Profesional
User ID Pengunggah: Lintang Dyah Ramandhani
Date Deposited: 05 Sep 2023 03:10
Last Modified: 05 Sep 2023 03:10

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