Translation Quality of Swear Words: A Case Study of The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Subtitle

2008411057, Maulana Gani Fasha (2024) Translation Quality of Swear Words: A Case Study of The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Subtitle. D4 thesis, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta.

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This thesis investigates the translation quality of swear words in the Indonesian subtitles of the film "The Wolf of Wall Street." Effective translation of swear words goes beyond literal accuracy and requires consideration of cultural context and audience impact. Employing a qualitative research method, the study analyzes how translators navigated the challenges of translating swear words. Data is gathered through a close examination of the swear words in the subtitle of the movie. Drawing on Chesterman's (2000) framework of semantic strategies, the research explores how translators achieved meaning equivalence. This includes analyzing strategies like compensation (finding culturally equivalent expressions), explicitation (adding details for clarity), and reduction (omitting elements). Furthermore, the research examines the linguistic units (Meyer, 2009) employed in translating the swear words. Analyzing swear words within sentences, phrases, or as single words provides a deeper understanding of their intended meaning and function. Finally, the thesis evaluates the translation quality using a framework proposed by Nababan et al. (2012). This framework analyzes the accuracy and readability. Through this comprehensive approach, the study aims to contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the challenges and achievements in translating swear words in film subtitles. The research findings can be valuable for translators working on similar films, as well as for anyone interested in the intersection of language, culture, and the impact of swear words in film dialogue.
Keywords: translation quality, swear words, the wolf of wall street, movie subtitles, semantic strategies, linguistic units

Tipe Dokumen: Thesis / Skripsi / Tugas Akhir (D4)
Subjek: 400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 400 Bahasa > 400 Bahasa
400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 410 Linguistik > 413 Kamus-kamus bahasa
400 – Bahasa (Bahasa Indonesia dikelas 499) > 420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno > 420 Bahasa Inggris dan Inggris kuno (Anglo-Saxon)
800 – Kesusastraan (Kesusastraan Indonesia dikelas 899) > 810 Kesusastraan Amerika dalam bahasa Inggris > 817 Humor dan sindiran Amerika dalam bahasa Inggris
Bidang, Unit, atau Jurusan Yang Ditujukan: BISPRO > Bahasa Inggris untuk Komunikasi Bisnis dan Profesional
User ID Pengunggah: Maulana Gani Fasha
Date Deposited: 06 Sep 2024 04:17
Last Modified: 06 Sep 2024 04:17

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