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Real-time ventilation control based on a Bayesian estimation of occupancy


Demand-controlled ventilation (DCV) is commonly implemented to provide variable amounts of outdoor air according to an internal ventilation demand. The objective of the present study is to investigate the applicability and the performance of occupancy-based DCV schemes in comparison with time-based and CO2-based DCV schemes. To do this, we apply the occupancy estimation method by the Bayes theorem to control the ventilation rate of an office building in real-time. We investigated six cases in total (two cases for each control scheme). Experiments were conducted in a small office room with controllable ventilation equipment and relevant sensors. The observed results indicated that the occupancy-based schemes relying on Bayes theorem could be applied successfully to perform continuous control of ventilation rates without causing recursive problems. Additionally, we discussed the time delays associated with the control procedure, including dispersion time, sensor-response time, and data processing time. Finally, we compared the performance of the proposed approach in six DCV cases in terms of a resultant indoor CO2 level and the total ventilation-air volume. We concluded that DCV control based on both occupancy and floor area provided the best conformity to the ASHRAE standard among the analyzed schemes.

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A :

floor area (m2)

C :

CO2 concentration (ppm)

C max :

maximum set-point indoor CO2 concentration in Case 4 (ppm)

C min :

minimum set-point indoor CO2 concentration in Case 4 (ppm)

C R :

measured indoor CO2 concentration in Case 4 (ppm)

C SA :

CO2 supply outdoor concentration (ppm)


CO2 generation rate per person (g/(min·person))

n :

number of data points

N :

number of occupants (person)

N est :

estimated number of occupants (person)

N act :

actual number of occupants (person)

q A :

outdoor airflow rate required per unit area in Case 6 (L/(s·m2))

q N :

outdoor airflow rate required per person in Case 6 (L/(s·person))

q n :

outdoor airflow rate required per person in Case 5 (L/(s·person))

Q :

ventilation rate (L/s)

Q max :

maximum set-point ventilation rate in Case 4 (L/s)

Q min :

minimum set-point ventilation rate in Case 4 (L/s)

Q N :

people outdoor airflow rate (L/s)

Q A :

area outdoor airflow rate (L/s)

R 2 (T):

normalized cross-correlation

t :

time (min)

T :

time delay (min)

X :

variable proposal

\({\cal N}({\mu _i},\;\sigma _i^2)\) :

Gaussian distribution

μ i :

mean of variable prior distribution

μ :

mean of CO2 generation rate per person prior distribution (g/(min·person))

μ n :

mean of number of occupants prior distribution (person)

μ Q :

mean of ventilation rate prior distribution (L/s)

μ SA :

mean of CO2 supply outdoor concentration prior distribution (ppm)

σ 2i :

variant of variable prior distribution

σ i :

standard deviation of variable prior distribution

σ :

standard deviation of CO2 generation rate per person prior distribution (g/(min·person))

σ n :

standard deviation of number of occupants prior distribution (person)

σ Q :

standard deviation of ventilation rate prior distribution (L/s)

σ sa :

standard deviation of CO2 supply outdoor concentration prior distribution (ppm)


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This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the NRF funded by the Ministry of Education (2016R1D1A1B0-1009625) and Kookmin University.

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Rahman, H., Han, H. Real-time ventilation control based on a Bayesian estimation of occupancy. Build. Simul. 14, 1487–1497 (2021).

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  • occupancy estimation
  • Bayesian MCMC
  • carbon dioxide
  • ventilation control